JDBC Testing with Jmeter
Data base testing with Jmeter is simple. Here I am using Jmeter2.3 and Oracle 10g. Some of the things needs to be taken care before start testing. 1. Place the JDBC JAR file in --> Jmeter\lib folder (For Oracle 10g it will be classes12.jar) 2.Need to know the JDBC Driver class, If you don't know where to find the Driver class information, Open the Jar file using winzip or any tool for that matter and edit the OracleDriver.class in text file and there you can find the JDBC Driver Class.( oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver) 3. Create Test Plan and add thread group. 4. Add the Config Element-->”JDBC Connection Configuration” and fill in all the required information, It should look like below figure. Fig 1 5. From the above figure notice that Variable name is highlighted, what ever name you give here will be shared with the "Jdbc request default". In my example I have given variable name as "SQL". Provide the JDBC Drive Class information which you got from Oracle...